Not Having a Childcare Business Exit Plan Can Be Costly

Do you have an Exit Plan for your childcare business? Is it a well-thought-out, written plan that outlines the process you will follow as your plan your eventual exit from your childcare business? Or is it more that you have some ongoing dialogue with yourself about how you need to get started on an Exit…

2023 Child Care Industry Mergers and Acquisitions Outlook

Around this time of year, I am often asked about the mergers and acquisitions outlook for the childcare industry.  Although I wish I had a crystal ball, I do not. However, I will share my thoughts about the childcare mergers and acquisition trends we will see in 2023. To put things in perspective, we must…

Recession Proofing Your Child Care Business: “Be Optimistic But Be Prepared”

No child care business owner wants to consider or discuss the likelihood of a recession. However, good and bad economic times are part of normal economic cycles. Not counting the steep but very brief economic downturn during the COVID pandemic, the last recession in the U.S. was from December 2007 to June 2009 – often…

Child Care Business Owner End of the Year Planning

Like most businesses, the end of the year is a busy time for childcare business owners. Before the rush of the holidays begins, it is important to take stock – reviewing, analyzing, and planning for the new year—five suggestions to consider. In-depth review of business financials. It is important to review your childcare financial information…

Fair Market Rent – How it Affects the Value of Your Child Care Business

Every child care business operates in a facility – building and land. Some child care owners lease the building and land from a third-party owner. The owner of the building and land “real estate” determines how much rent they require. This “third-party,” “arms-length” relationship often results in the greater likelihood that the child care business…