Thank You for visiting Solutions 4 Child Care. We look forward to assisting you with the purchase of a childcare business. To protect the childcare businesses, we represent – their children, staff, and parents and to ensure we are introducing only those childcare businesses that match your acquisition criteria, we follow a detailed process. The process begins with the completion of our Buyer Registration Forms.
Completion of these forms is NOT optional – our representation agreement with each of the childcare business sellers we represent requires that we obtain completed Buyer Registration Forms from all buyers – individual buyers, corporate buyers, and private equity groups.
If you are unwilling to complete the Buyer Registration Forms, we cannot provide you with any additional information about the childcare businesses and real estate we have listed for sale. Please DO NOT contact us before completing the Buyer Registration Forms – we WILL NOT provide you with any additional information and will only direct you back to our website to complete the required Buyer Registration Forms.
Buying a business is a serious endeavor and will require a substantial amount of time and work by you. You must be willing to commit the time necessary to complete forms, conduct a thorough analysis of each business, and if necessary obtain financing for the purchase. The process of buying a childcare business can take months to complete. Serious buyers understand this and are willing to complete Buyer Registration forms to get the process started.
Solutions4ChildCare Provides Exclusive Seller Representation.