Solutions 4 Child Care - " Helping People Buy, Build, Improve and Sell Child Care Businesses". Since 1995, Donna Dailey, the founder of Solutions 4 Child Care, has worked closely with child care owners to increase revenues, decrease expenses, and in turn increase the profitability and value of their child care business.

Child Care Real Estate – Repurposing or Adaptive Reuse

When seeking a location for a new child care center, individuals often overlook great opportunities in “repurposing” or “adaptive reuse” of existing buildings and space.  Repurposing or adaptive reuse refers to the process of reusing an existing building for a purpose other than which it was originally built. A great example of repurposing or adaptive…

Child Care Franchises

We are often asked by child care owners and individuals wishing to purchase or start a child care business, “how much does it cost to buy a child care franchise”?  In the table below, we have compiled information on twenty child care franchises.  This information was obtained from websites and franchise marketing materials.  Should you…